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Art the Commentator - This was the man behind the microphone. He continually provided play by
play commentary without fail, which made the BYW videos as exciting as possible. His commitment
to his role even led him to do some behind the scenes work.
Bill the Referee - Though often overlooked, referees play a crucial role in wrestling and Bill was no
exception. He was a fine referee, but unfortunately for Bill, he more often ended up being thrown
around the ring by the wrestlers. However, he entered the King of the Ring Tournament and managed
to outlast many of the wrestlers, proving he's no pushover.
Bowmania - "Are those muscles or mosquito bites?" was the question from the commentator about
this wrestler as he flexed his muscles, but though he is among the smallest of wrestlers, he could
easily catch his opponents off guard with his signature move, the 'Bowflex'.
Buckwheat - When this mystery man showed up on the scene, nobody knew anything about him
except that he had one big ass truck and seemed to be on the side of the Wicked Clowns. It was
soon revealed that he was related to them and that he also gave them a kick start to their wrestling
career through his own federation on the east coast.
Burt Angle - A ripoff of the pro wrestler Kurt Angle? Perhaps, but this less-than-pro wrestler comes at
you with an intensity that is rarely seen. As a testament to his toughness, he once took a powerbomb
straight to the hard ground and was up again in seconds.
Cactus Jake (aka Homeless Jake) - One of the main characters thoughout BYW, Cactus Jake
became a hardcore legend when he illustrated his preference for hardcore matches. He could give a
beating and take one just as well. Jake was a one time BYW Champion, but his career soon began to
decline when he became homeless. His career was put to rest when he was slamed through a
burning table.
Commander Savage - Not many people would want to mess with a man such as the Commander,
who killed 1,600 men in Vietnam with his bare hands. His background surely prepared him well to
take on any wrestler in BYW. He rose up the ranks and eventually became the BYW Champion and
the man to beat.
The Cool Guy - This happy, arrogant, narcissistic surfer dude loved to be the center of attention in
the ring. His vice was that he cared more about what his hair looked like rather than caring about his
matches that were underway. Not among the biggest of the wrestlers, but what he lacked in some
areas, he made up with his high flying aerial maneuvers
Dayle Johnson - Borrowing a lot of moves and behavior from Hulk Hogan, this wrestler could often
get the audience on his side. His old-school style of wrestling was not to be underestimated. He often
brought the hurt to his opponents with absolutely no remorse.
The Gay Stagehand - This fruit cake was brought in to substitute as the referee when Bill was
absent. We don't know much about who he is or where he came from, but his orientation was made
known in some comical ways. As MTV's Real World taught us, there's always gotta be one.
Genghis Kwock - Hoping to capture the same essence of the great conqueror, this wrestler made a
fierce entrance into BYW. He was an obvious wildcard and no one knew what to expect from this
maniac in the ring. Wrestlers needed to keep one eye on him at all times, as he was very
Haystack - Rednecks chew tobacco, drive tractors, and fight. This one's no different. Wearing the
Confederate Flag on his head and showing off his horseshoe tattoo, Haystack brings a lot of flavor to
BYW. He might not be the strongest or most talented, but he's scrappy and will fight anybody. When
he's pissed off, watch out.
Kaos - Apparently coming from another wrestling federation, Kaos had a history with his enemy, Mike
Reaper. In his debut, he faced off against Mike three times in a row in a grueling dual. This masked
fighter is well versed in luchador style wrestling and he proves it in the ring.
Matt the Commentator - As a colleague of Art the Commentator, Matt adds excellent descriptions
to the carnage taking place in the ring. One would think commentators have a safe job away from the
ring, but Matt has been a victim of the wrestlers a time or two.
Mike Reaper - Dark, lethal, and twisted come to mind when thinking about this wrestler. When he
comes at you with a smirk and evil eyes, you soon realize you want nothing to do with this psycho
case. He loves hardcore matches and takes pain like it's his best friend. On a good day, he can take
on anyone in the ring with his mature wrestling abilities.
Mojado - After entering the US illegally and getting fit picking grapes, this wetback is now ready to
kick some ass in the wrestling ring. Though short in stature, he'll attack you out of nowhere with his
signature move, the 'flying burrito'.
Moto - Wearing a flashy red robe and a thief's ski mask, moto put up a lot of hard fights. His
willingness to fight anywhere and against all odds is a testament to his character. Unfortunately for
Moto, his career was cut short after one hellacious beating in a 3-way match.
Mr. DDT - Stepping into the ring with his stars and stripes, Mr. DDT does one move, but he does it
good. His shirt says "1 Move, 3,000 Ways" and don't be surprised if he cracks skulls and breaks
necks from time to time. If you feel someone tap you from behind, it might be your turn for a DDT.
Overdose - This big white boy, who dresses urban style, has a commanding presence every time he
steps into the ring. He towers over all his opponents and can pick you up and slam you down anyway
he feels like it. He was the reigning BYW Champion for a long stretch of time. As his name would
allude, he appears to be a drug addict, but rather than impairing him, his performances are increased.
Sandman - This sizeable wrestler hails from the world of heavy metal music with an attitude of
energy and destruction. His short-lived stint in BYW should not be overlooked, as he has the makings
and prowess of a solid wrestler.
Shitty Guy - No costume. No antics. No name...until he was dubbed the Shitty Guy. There's nothing
flashy about him or his style, but in the ring, he proved his name doesn't do him justice. He has often
left his opponents on the ground bleeding.
Smiley - Standing 6'6" with face painted, Smiley is perhaps the most intimidating wrestler in BYW.
When he and his partner made their entrance as the Wicked Clowns, they took the Tag Team
Championship with little resistance. With crushing moves and good defense, Smiley is one bad dude.
Stretch Nutz - As the other team member to the Wicked Clowns, Stretch Nutz did his part to inflict
damage on their opponents. He'll catch you off guard and fight dirty when the ref isn't looking. His
infamous taunt move, for which he is named, can be seen before he strikes with ferocity.
Vato Loco - This crazy gangster from East LA don't give a crap about no one. He'll spit in your face
and then shank you before you know what's going on. Spending time in jail has only made him buffer
and meaner. He can go toe to toe with the best and always gives an impressive showing. His
preference for marijuana makes him an ally with his drug dealer, Overdose.
Wiffle Ball Bandit - Not a very well known wrestler in BYW, but WBB's brief appearances in BYW
were crucial in turning the tides of a couple matches. The key to defeating this wrestler is separating
him from his wiffle ball bat. Without it, he has no offense. With it, he wreaks havoc.